"It's a huge thrill for me to have my name added to a list of such decorated and celebrated Professionals," said a humbled Webb. "I've looked up to a number of the past winners my whole life so it's a huge honour to be included on the list," added Webb, a past president of the Ontario PGA.
After 'playing in' in 1984 Webb continued to work at Bridgewater until 1990 when he was recruited to join the staff at St. George's Golf & Country Club under the tutelage of Neil Verwey. Although Webb was only at St. George's for two years he learned a lot from Neil and cherishes his time spent on the hallowed grounds on one of Canada's premier courses.
Webb secured his first Head Professional position in 1993 at the Peterborough Golf & Country Club. At the ripe age of 26 Webb and his wife Helen, began a journey that has been both rewarding a memorable.
"We left Toronto with $15,000 in the ban k only to be $250,000 in debt in one week later. The best part about it is we jumped in smiling," remembers Webb.
Known for his charismatic charm and ability to get the job done, Webb is quick to share the credit with his past and current staff members.
"This award is really all about the people that have helped me throughout my career," added Webb. "I've had some great staff and without Evans Mahoney, Sarah Dombroskie (Boyce), Kevin Russell, Brian Mason, Taylor Kimura and Jon Hackett to name a few, this award couldn't have happened for me," reiterated Webb.